La Decadencia de Grecia... (viernes 2 de diciembre 1955)(7 pages)
Scope and Content
Three major areas of Rembao's life are represented in this collection, which is divided into 14 series. The first series includes a scrapbook of clippings from Mexican newspapers spanning 1905-1914. Many of the clippings show pictures of revolutionary soldiers, including Rembao's uncles. Other articles include images of Chihuahua, Mexico.
There are two series of notes by Dr. Rembao. The first, Series II, includes notes from his days as a lecturer... and college professor, many of which are undated. Series III includes many of his notes and papers from graduate school at the Pacific School for Religion and at Yale.
Series IV includes rough drafts of service bulletins from Casa del Buen Pastor, a Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, California, where Rembao served as pastor during his graduate studies at Berkeley. Series V contains Dr. Rembao's correspondence, including letters received from 1921 to 1945. This extensive collection of letters offers insight into his work outside of school as an editor and pastor.
Series VI, Professional Writings, includes rough drafts of his writings for various journals, as well as writings for Spanish language publications La Nueva Democracia and Nueva Senda, of which he served as editor. Series VI-IX contain journal copies of his published articles and rough drafts of specific manuscripts. Series X includes articles by others, which were most likely sent to him for review and feedback. One unusual item found in this series is a manuscript copy of an unpublished screen play, entitled "The Wife of Uriah the Hittite," written by a Salvador Mendoza. It had been sent to Cecil B. DeMille, and is accompanied by a response letter signed by DeMille that turns down the screenplay. A separate series, Series XI, includes a work by John A. Mackay entitled "El Orden de Dios y el Desorden del Hombre."
Series XIII includes an incomplete set of lectures from a series given at Union Theological Seminary between the years 1953-1962. Last, Series XIV includes a collection of personal mementos of Dr. Rembao, including menus, receipts, passports, advertisement, maps and program announcements from events where Rembao spoke.
- 1910-1962 (bulk 1924-1945)
Language of Materials
English, Spanish
There are no special restrictions to access of this collection. It may be examined by library patrons under the normal rules and conditions of Special Collections.
From the Collection: 2.2 Linear Feet (2 boxes)
Repository Details
Part of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Library. Special Collections Repository
Princeton Theological Seminary
Wright Library
25 Library Place
Princeton NJ 08540 USA