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Series II: Writing and Publications of William McElwee Miller Sr.


Scope and Contents

This series consists of materials related to William McElwee Miller's personal writings and published works that range from the early to late twentieth century. It is divided into three subseries: Writings Regarding Persia, Writings Regarding Christianity, and Diaries. The writings range from Miller's specific work of proselytizing in Persia to the religious history of the Middle East Region in regards to specific religions such as Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith. It also contains miscellaneous faith-based materials.


  • Creation: 1899 - 1993


From the Collection: 31 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


Repository Details

Part of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Library. Special Collections Repository

Princeton Theological Seminary
Wright Library
25 Library Place
Princeton NJ 08540 USA