Carton 20
Contains 90 Results:
ICDCPR, Convencion, Puerto Rico, February 13-17, 2008
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
AETH Tertulia, Ashland OH, April 12-14, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
Congreso de teologia, Puerto Rico, November 2, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
Evangelical Theological Seminary, Matanzas, 1996-2001
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
MARCHA, Newark NJ, August 9-12 , 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
El Nuevo Rostro de la Iglesia Latina en el Sureste de los EUA, Charlotte NC, August 17-19, 2006
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
ICDCPR Retiro Pastoral, August 21-23, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
PCUSA Pastor's Retreat, June 28-July 2, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
Spain trip, July, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.
Jornadas de Reflexion y Formacion Teologica, October 2-4, 2007
Documents related to conferences where J.G. presented, attended or ran. Some materials may refer to travel and correspondence to conferences, lectures or class visits. These events are all treated as "conferences". Some conference materials processed later than the original collection. Updated March 2017.