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The Philip Doddridge Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 125

Scope and Content

The work in this collection is a transcription of Lectures on Preaching that was done in 1820 by one John Giles. It was presented to the library of Princeton Seminary that same year.


  • 1820

Language of Materials



There are no special restrictions to the access of this collection. It may be examined by library patrons under the normal rules and conditions of Special Collections.

Preferred Citation

The following is the acceptable citation for publication: The Phillip Doddridge Manuscript Collection. Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library.


1702 June 26
Born, London, England
Became head of a new academy at Market Harborough and pastor of the independent congregation in Castle Hill, Northampton
Graduated, Doctor of Divinity, University of Aberdeen
1751 October 26

Biographical Information

Philip Doddridge (1702-1751) was born in London and educated at Kibworth Academy. He completed his ministerial training in 1723, eventually accepting a pastorate at Castle Hill Church in Northampton. He established the dissenting Northampton Academy and helped prepare ministers in a number of denominations. His Lectures on Preaching and the Several Branches of the Ministerial Office represents a collection of lectures delivered between 1729-1751 on... various subjects such as how to compose a good sermon, how to pray better, Church History and the history of preaching, catechizing, and the Lord's Supper. It was not published, however, until 1804.

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Processing Information:

This collection was processed, and the original finding aid was written in the spring of 1993, by Douglas Denne under the direction of William O. Harris, Archivist. The finding aid was edited by Sarah Seraphin and Daved Anthony Schmidt in March of 2009.

The Philip Doddridge Manuscript Collection
Douglas F. Denné
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Repository Details

Part of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Library. Special Collections Repository

Princeton Theological Seminary
Wright Library
25 Library Place
Princeton NJ 08540 USA