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The Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.) Records: Presented in Honor of Edward L. Long Jr.

Identifier: SCM 092

Scope and Content

The Society of Christian Ethics was known as The American Society of Christian Ethics from 1959 to 1979. This collection of the Society's records includes annual meetings minutes, program and other material; correspondence both of individuals (board members and officers) and of related organizations (American Academy of Religion, Council on the Study of Religion); financial material (bank statements, ledgers, receipts, reports); membership material (rosters, correspondence, vitae); publications (by the Society); and papers submitted for the annual conferences 1993-2001 [lacking 1997 and 1998].


  • Creation: 1953-1991; 1959-2007

Language of Materials



There are no special restrictions placed on the accessibility of this collection. It is available for the use of library patrons under the normal rules and conditions of Special Collections.

Preferred Citation

The following is the acceptable citation for publication: The Society of Christian Ethics (US) (American Society of Christian Ethics) Records. Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library.

Biographical Information

"The Society for Christian Ethics (SCE) is an academic and scholarly society whose goal is to promote scholarly work in Christian ethics and in the relation of Christian ethics to other traditions of ethics, and to social, economic, political, and cultural problems; to encourage and improve the teaching of these fields in colleges, universities, and theological schools; and to provide a community of discourse and debate for those engaged professionally within these general fields. Areas of interest encompass the history of ethics and moral theology, theoretical issues relating to the interplay of theology and ethics, methodology in ethical reflection and investigation, and comparative religious ethics. The Society also examines problems in applied and professional ethics, and various human rights and social justice issues, both nationally and internationally.

Members include universities, college, and theological school faculty primarily from the United States, Canada, and Europe; membership requires a Ph.D. or equivalent degree or scholarly publications in relevant field(s), or a full-time teaching position in ethics or related fields in an accredited institution of higher learning." [Adapted from the SCE website by SCE staff.]


26.0 Linear Feet (30 Boxes)

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The SCE Records were originally arranged in four series: Annual meetings, Correspondence-subject files, Financial material, and Membership materials.

The Annual meetings series contains material pertaining to the organization, planning, and execution of the annual meetings, including minutes, programs, and papers. Other material related to annual meetings may be found in the Executive Secretary's files in the Correspondence-subject files series.

The Correspondence-subject files series contains correspondence within the SCE, correspondence between the SCE and other organizations, and material relating to the structure of the SCE. Large portions of this material are devoted to The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics and the Executive Secretary's files. The Executive Secretary's files have a year-by-year history of the SCE spanning the years 1959 (just prior to its founding) to 1989. This history includes correspondence, minutes, papers presented at the annual meeting, and reports for many of the years documented in the collection. Individuals represented include board members and officers (Joseph L. Allen, Waldo Beach, E. Clinton Gardner, Edward Le Roy Long, Daniel C. Maguire, Douglas Sturm, Max L. Stackhouse, and J. Philip Wogaman). Organizations represented include the American Academy of Religion, the American Society of Christian Social Ethics, the Council on the Study of Religion, and the Societas Ethica.

The Financial material series contains material pertaining to SCE financial transactions, and includes bank statements, financial correspondence, ledgers, receipts, and reports.

The Membership materials series includes applications, correspondence, inquiries, completed applications, rosters, and vitae.

Additional records that were not processed by Syracuse and were later accessioned by Princeton Theological Seminary contain much of the same material as the original collection; including material from the same date range (1953-1991), but with additional material primarily from the 1990s. In addition, two new series were created: Publications by the Society, and Papers submitted for the annual conferences.

The Publication series contains recent editions of the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics and The Annual. The summer 1983 edition of The Journal of Law and Ethics is also included.

The Papers submitted for annual conferences series contains unsorted papers (in draft and final presented versions) considered for panel discussions at the SCE's annual conferences.

For the original collection arranged by Syracuse, Annual meeting material is arranged chronologically by meeting and within that alphabetically by type. Correspondence-subject files are arranged alphabetically. Financial material is arranged alphabetically by topic and within that chronologically. Membership material is arranged alphabetically by topic.

To preserve provenance the addenda collection was not integrated into the original collection. Files that fit the series descriptions created by Syracuse Library were arranged in the same manner as above, in a separate set of records. Materials that fell outside of the scope of the original set of series, or were more extensive in number than in the original collection, were arranged into the two new series.

The material within the Publications series is arranged alphabetically by title and chronologically within each title. The Papers submitted for annual conferences are unsorted.

Processing Information:

This collection was deposited by the Society for Christian Ethics in the Syracuse University Library Special Collections Research Center, and processed by their staff in November of 1992. The original finding aid was converted to EAD in November of 2007.

In June of 2008 the papers were released from Syracuse by the SCE, and accessioned by Special Collections for deposit. These records remain the property of the Society of Christian Ethics. Additional materials that were not processed or described in the Syracuse finding aid were reviewed and added to the collection at this time. The collection was processed by Pilara Brunson, and the finding aid was edited by Sarah Malone.

The Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.) Records: Presented in Honor of Edward L. Long Jr.
Sarah A. Seraphin
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Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Repository Details

Part of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Library. Special Collections Repository

Princeton Theological Seminary
Wright Library
25 Library Place
Princeton NJ 08540 USA