MS. Manuscript Collections
Found in 339 Collections and/or Records:
Paul M. van Buren papers
The Paul M. van Buren papers consist of university notes, correspondence, organizational materials, course materials, research, sermons and published and unpublished works.
Organizations and affilliations found within this collection include Temple University, University of Basel, Shalom Hartman Institute (SHI), World Council of Churches (WCC), and the National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ).
Max L. Stackhouse papers
Max L. Stackhouse, Stephen Colwell Professor of Christian Ethics at Princeton Theological Seminary, was a central figure in Christian ethics and a pioneer in the study of globalization and public theology. This collection contains correspondence, research, and writings collected during his career at Andover Newton Theological School and Princeton Theological Seminary.
Autographs and letters relating to the Baptist collection
One folder of handwritten correspondence and receipts, including the note: "This packet of papers is designed to illustrate my books on Baptism & belongs to that collection. S.A."
Includes a photocopy of a letter from Samuel Agnew to the Rev. John Pierpont, 1856 June 28, given to Special Collections by the Pierpont Morgan Library.
The J. Wentzel van Huyssteen papers
Materials consist of correspondence, course syllabi, writings and lectures on science and religion; and drafts and other papers pertaining to publication of his book, Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology.
Horton Davies papers
The collection consists of papers and mixed media from the academic and professional careers of Davies. Included are Davies course notebooks from his doctoral study at Oxford University, essays and sermons from his ministry in South Africa and elsewhere, and course and lecture notebooks on worship, theology and the arts from his tenure at Princeton University. Also here are slides, photos, and prints to accompany and illustrate those lectures and a course on Christian art.
The Langley Kitching Manuscript Collection
The travel journals of Langley Kitching, English gentleman and botanist, during his visit of missionary settlements in South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius.
John Lloyd religious journals
Personal journals covering 1836-1848, before, during, and after seminary. Most entries are from his time as a missionary in China after seminary, 1844-1848.
Michael Osborn papers
The collection consists of two bound volumes of letters to and from Osborn compiled by him and dated 1815-1835.
Peter Penner research notes
Edwards Amasa Park lecture notes by James Ormsbee Murray
One archive box containing "Notes on the lectures of Prof. Edwards A. Park on Christian Theology taken by James O. Murray"