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The Caspar Wistar Hodge Jr. Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 087

Scope and Content

This collection includes six boxes of Dr. Hodge's own carefully labeled manuscript notes used for class lectures at Princeton Seminary. Of special interest are his early thoughts on Karl Barth and his comments on the relation of science to theology. The collection also contains two boxes of manuscript sermon and "conference talks" used by Dr. Hodge. Conference talks were devotional lectures delivered at the Seminary.

Miscellaneous items preserved in the collection include Hodge's manuscripts for published articles, correspondence, published items, and biographical items and obituaries. Of special interest are letters by Dr. Hodge expressing his opposition to the Seminary's "re-organization" of 1929.


  • Creation: 1894 - 1935

Language of Materials



There are no special restrictions to access of this collection. It may be examined by library patrons under the normal rules and conditions of Special Collections.

Preferred Citation

The following is the acceptable citation for publication: The Caspar Wistar Hodge Jr. Manuscript Collection. Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library.


Born, September 22, Princeton, New Jersey
B.A., Princeton University
Ph.D., Princeton University
Student, Heidelberg University and University of Berlin
Instructor, Philosophy, Princeton University
Associate Professor, Ethics, Lafayette College
Th.B., Princeton Theological Seminary
Instructor, New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary
Assistant Professor, Dogmatic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
Ordained, Presbytery of New Brunswick (PCUSA), September 18
Professor, Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
Doctor of Divinity (honorary), Grove City College
Died, February 26, Princeton, New Jersey

Biographical Information

Dr. Hodge was the son of Caspar Wistar Hodge, Sr. (Professor of New Testament at Princeton Seminary) and grandson of Charles Hodge (Professor of Didactic Theology at Princeton Seminary). He was the author of numerous articles published in the Princeton Theological Review and other scholarly journals. He contributed articles to Hasting's Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, and to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.


3.7 Linear Feet (9 boxes)


Boxes 1- Class Lecture Notes and study notes

Box 7- Sermons and Conference Talks

Box Miscellaneous and Addendum Materials (Article manuscripts, correspondence, printed materials, and biographical materials)

Related Material

See the following materials in Special Collections:

The James Oscar Boyd Manuscript Collection

The John Gresham Machen Manuscript Collection

The Alexander Napier MacLeod Manuscript Collection

The Allan Alexander MacRae Manuscript Collection

The H. Clare Welker Manuscript Collection

See also the following oral histories of the PTS Audio Cassette Collection:

Macrae, Allan A. (tapes # 0314, 0323, 0324, 0467)

Mcintire, Carl (tapes # 0310, 0404)

Rian, Edwin (tapes # 0331-0334)

Processing Information:

With the exception of the correspondence and biographical items, which were removed from Seminary Archives office files in 1996, nothing is known about the origins of these materials. It is likely that these papers were given to the Seminary following Dr. Hodge's death by his family, but no documentation has been located to confirm this.

A portion of the C.W. Hodge, Jr. papers had been semi-organized by the archival staff sometime in the late 1980s. These included all items now contained in boxes 1 through 4 and 7 through 8. These were placed in storage and were not made available to library patrons. The other related items, now preserved in boxes 5, 6, and 9, were shelved adjacent with this collection in unlabeled boxes. The papers were organized together into a single collection in April of 1996, by Raymond D. Cannata, under the direction of William O. Harris, Archivist. The finding aid was edited in March of 2009 by Sarah Seraphin.

The Caspar Wistar Hodge Jr. Manuscript Collection
Raymond D. Cannata
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Repository Details

Part of the Princeton Theological Seminary. Library. Special Collections Repository

Princeton Theological Seminary
Wright Library
25 Library Place
Princeton NJ 08540 USA