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Showing Collections: 241 - 250 of 369

The Joseph Addison Alexander Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 072
Scope and Content

This collection includes classnotes and lectures, chiefly on Biblical history and church history, and personal correspondence.

Dates: 1822-1861

The Joseph Gaston Symmes Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 374
Scope and Contents

These sermons and lectures were discovered at a Flea Market in the Summer of 1997 by the Rev. James O'Conner, a PCA minister of New Hope, Pennsylvania. He gave them to the Seminary Library.

Dates: 1852 - 1873

The Joseph Lyons Ewing Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 139
Scope and Content

This collection consists of the diaries of the Reverend Joseph L. Ewing, April 2, 1922- May 22, 1938.

Dates: 1922 - 1942

The Joseph Ross Stevenson Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 010
Scope and Content

This collection consists of President Stevenson's personal papers, as well as material about him collected by the Seminary Libraries. Content includes sermons, addresses, ecumenism papers, correspondence, and other files.

Dates: 1887 - 1939

The Kenneth Sperber Gapp Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 080
Scope and Content

This collection includes biographical material, papers and correspondence, printed articles, and Dr. Gapp's 1934 Princeton University doctoral dissertation, "Famine in the Roman world."

Dates: bulk 1930s

The Langley Kitching Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 404

The travel journals of Langley Kitching, English gentleman and botanist, during his visit of missionary settlements in South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius.

Dates: 1877-11-01 - 1880-01-26

The Lefferts Augustine Loetscher Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 162
Scope and Content

This collection consists of correspondence, bulletins and other materials for several Presbyterian churches with which Loetscher was affiliated, committee minutes and reports, manuscripts and printed articles by Loetscher, printed copies of articles and other works by various writers, the author's dissertation, and realia.

Dates: 1930 - 1982

The Leon Arpee Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 249
Scope and Content

The collection consists of typed and bound works by Leon Arpee: the ten-volume "My Treasury of Quotations" with index and three-volume "The Atonement: Excerpts Alphabetically Arranged with Occasional Original Notes, Select Scriptures, and Bibliography."

Dates: 1932-1939

The Leonard J. Trinterud Manuscript Collection

Identifier: SCM 165
Scope and Content

This collection includes sermons, addresses, typescripts of articles and reviews, clippings and mementos from the life of The Reverend Doctor Leonard J. Trinterud (1904-1993).

Dates: 1950 - 1963

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Sermons, American. 17
Presbyterian Church--Sermons. 16
Class notes. 10
Correspondence 9
Religion -- Study and teaching. 9
∨ more
Lecture notes. 8
Archives 7
Princeton Theological Seminary students 7
Alumni and Alumnae. 6
Clippings 6
Presbyterian Church--Clergy 6
Sermons 6
Princeton Theological Seminary 5
Princeton Theological Seminary faculty 5
Sermons, American--20th century. 5
students' notes 5
Clergy--Biography. 4
Korea--History. 4
Missionaries 4
Religion 4
Sermons, American--18th century. 4
Sermons, American--19th century--Archival resources. 4
Sermons. 4
Syllabi 4
Theology--Study and teaching--United States. 4
Theology--United States--History--19th century. 4
Bible. 3
Diaries 3
Lectures notes. 3
Ministry 3
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). 3
Princeton Theological Seminary--Alumni and alumnae--Archives. 3
Sermons, American -- 20th century 3
Sermons, American--19th century. 3
Sermons, American--20th century 3
students' papers 3
Bible. New Testament. 2
Biblical stories 2
Christian Mission 2
Christian doctrines 2
Christian education. 2
Christian ethics 2
Christian philosophy 2
Christian theology 2
Christianity 2
Christianity -- 20th century. 2
Christianity and Judaism. 2
Church History 2
Church history 2
Class notes--1951-1954. 2
Education--Curricula 2
Essays 2
India--Missions. 2
Lecture Notes 2
Lecture notes 2
Letters 2
Liberation theology -- Latin America 2
Missionaries -- Africa 2
Missionaries--China--Archives. 2
Missionaries. 2
Missions, Korean 2
Missions--China. 2
New Testament 2
Notebooks 2
Old Testament 2
Old Testament scholars--United States--Archives. 2
Pamphlets 2
Preaching 2
Presbyterian Church--Missions--India. 2
Presbyterian Church--Sermons 2
Presbyterian Church--United States 2
Princeton Theological Seminary--History. 2
Religious education United States 2
Scrapbooks 2
Sermons, American--19th century 2
Sermons, American--Presbyterian. 2
Student notes 2
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Chaplains. 2
Worksheets 2
faculty 2
Anti-Nazi movement--Germany. 1
Anti-Nazi movement--Religious aspects. 1
Apologetics--20th century--Addresses, essays, lectures. 1
Arabic language--Manuscripts. 1
Arts and religion 1
Autobiographies 1
Autobiographies. 1
Autograph albums. 1
Bahai Faith. 1
Baptism -- History 1
Baptism--Sermons. 1
Bible--Translating. 1
Bible. 1 Corinthians--Sermons. 1
Bible. 1 John--Sermons. 1
Bible. 1 Timothy--Sermons. 1
Bible. 2 Corinthians--Sermons. 1
Bible. 2 John--Sermons. 1
Bible. 3 John--Sermons. 1
Bible. Acts--Sermons. 1
Bible. Deuteronomy--Sermons. 1
∧ less
English 357
Multiple languages 10
Chinese 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
Princeton Theological Seminary--Alumni and alumnae--Archives. 50
Princeton Theological Seminary 25
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 4
World Council of Churches. 3
Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851 2
∨ more
Alexander, James W. (James Waddel), 1804-1859 2
Moffett, Samuel H., 1916-2015 2
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. 2
Princeton Theological Seminary. Students. Correspondence 2
Adam, M. T., 1829 1
Adams, Arthur Merrihew, 1908-1979 1
Agnew, Samuel, 1814-1880 1
Aiken , Charles Augustus, 1827-1892 1
Alexander, Henry Carrington, 1835-1894 1
Alexander, Joseph A. (Joseph Addison), 1809-1860 1
Alexander, Maitland, 1867-1940 1
Allen, Horace T., 1933-2019 1
Allsup, Frederick J. 1
American Council of Christian Churches 1
Anderson, Bernhard W. 1
Andrus, Robert Gardner, 1907- 1
Armstrong, J. F. (James Franklin), 1929- 1
Cary, Norman White, 1849-1928 1
Cuyler, Theodore L. (Theodore Ledyard), 1822-1909 1
Davies, Horton 1
Gomperz, Theodor, 1832-1912 1
Huntting, Nathanael, 1675-1753 1
International Council of Christian Churches. 1
Kuyper, Abraham, 1837-1920 1
Machen, J. Gresham (John Gresham), 1881-1937 1
McIntire, Carl, 1906-2002 1
Moffett, Eileen F. 1
Moffett, Lucia Fish, 1877-1962 1
Moffett, Samuel Austin, 1864-1939 1
Neumann, Frederick, 1899-1967 1
Princeton University. Department of Religion 1
Richards, James, 1767-1843 1
Shelton College (Cape May, N.J.) 1
Sinclair, John H., 1924 1
Skelley-Watts, J. Roger 1
Skinner, W. Sherman (William Sherman, 1906-1976 1
United States. Federal Communications Commission. 1
United States. National Park Service 1
Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Wolfe, Paul Austin, 1898-1964 1
Wyckoff, D. Campbell (DeWitte Campbell), 1918-2005 1
∧ less